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[the best part is with the dress]
March 09, 2003 - 5:11 am

yet again.

ian is probably among the top stellar randomest friends ever people. he left my house 10 minutes ago. which = 5am. which rules. he also bought me french toast. which rules x2.

and lets not forget the other people who made this night possible..i wont name them all by name. i'm a little tired.

cinderella brought back such wonderful memories from childhood. i literally could not stop smiling throughout the enitre thing. which says alot. i mean...it says alot that i didnt cry. because thats just what i do...alot.

anyhow, i think im gonna get to bed. there is so much work to be done tomorrow, its not even funny.

but what i did do tonite is find the antiderivative of 5x^4 while sitting at a booth in the diner. (we then promptly got up and went to the silver diner instead) (it may or may not have been a result of al(l)ie doing calculus out loud).

aw helll yeah.

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