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[wow. sweetness. right now. as i started. amazing.]
April 07, 2003 - 7:07 pm

ok ok wow.

lets just take a little look-see, shall we?

well alright, it's not alot and it's not incredibly exciting. but i feel good. and almost at peace or something. just totally..like everything is going to be fine.

we had this really good captains meeting before practice today. just angel, chloe, mr. emerson and i. and we went over everything that went wrong with our game last friday. bluntly. really, really bluntly. and just other softball stuff that i'm sure you care a lot about. anyways, then we went and had an excellent practice. it was short because we were inside, but it was good. everyone went really hard. i like that our whole team says that...including mr emerson. he was like, "alright, 3 more minutes, everyone GO. HARD." and so we did. people were diving all over the place. in the gym. i was proud. then i was feeling really restricted by my pants, so i halfway succeeded in making them into shorts by cleverly beating the system that we like to call 'snap pants'. yeah, it was tight. but then i got court burn on my knee. but i'll be ok. we have a very big game tomorrow at sidwell. i have faith. we played well today in practice. and we are dressing up tomorrow...ties and all. so WATCH OUT.

then i got home very quickly via wisconsin ave and found two mailsz for me. which is always really exciting. because, well... mail, mail, it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail, and when it comes i want to wail MAILLLLLLL. i wrote that.

so it was from michelle (yeah, everyone's besttt buddy) because she's buying our cd. soooo coool. and then the jimmy eat world cd which i've been wanting for so so so long and its incredible and it makes me so happy.

and here we are. it is not possible that its 718pm because it is still so light out (in the rainy, cloudy way). and it smells so good in my house and allie is coming to maret next tuesday and we have two shows this weekend.

it is THE. BEST. not doing homework. like, you have no idea. unless..well...you do..

and the only thing on the 'down' note: the sleeping with the big comfy bunny didn't work out so well it turned out to be really dusty and started making me have bad allergies.

c'est la vie.



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