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[i want to feel a part of this was mine]
April 10, 2003 - 11:21 am

not cool.

i am not happy.

people need to stop leaving town. bad things always happen.

i am not going to pretend that schlaf was a great friend of mine or that he meant a lot to me...but stil..this situation makes me feel bad. his parents shipped him off to new mexico to participate in some kind of correctional program. it just makes me hurt because his good friends are hurting. its sad..but i think it will work out for the best. my thoughts are with him.

but i am slightly less..disconcerted because i think my tests went well and i found my under armour and i am ready to play a game today and this weekend will be totally awesome.

our new songs sound g00d. emo as shit. hah.

!!!!!and "a praise chorus" was on the radio this morning when i woke up!!!!!! talk about an upper...

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