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[only a day away.]
April 19, 2003 - 3:33 pm

i have determined that oberlin is the number- one- super - awesome- best college for me. ever.

i'm sitting here watching family guy, i've recovered the laptop, and it feels like i've been gone for weeks. i could go back tomorrow and be extremely happy.

i flew to cleveland, bought peach iced tea, caught the bus, and found my host all by myself. how cool is that. yeah, i'm good. but in all seriousness, i was a little scared at first. i'd never really traveled by myself/ been in an airport alone before. so that was that.

i met my host, who was so...not what i was expecting/ wanted. she was nice...but she talked really quietly. and walked fast. and really didn't introduce me to any people or tell me about herself. so to this moment i don't know how old she is or what classes she takes.

so we had some good tofu lunch and i went to a cell and molecular biology lab. there were only 2 people in it..which isn't the normal lab size. but it was cool. i was a bit confused because i didn't know exactly what they were talking about, but the professor seemed impressed when i used the words "dna" and "electrophoresis" in the same sentence. i left at 3 to go to a class called "the darwinian revolution" but it was cancelled. and my host was 'working' at the 'library' or something so i was alone. i didn't know how to get in touch with anyone i remotely knew- tessa, ethan, al, bullet, or any random prospies to hang out with so i ended up just walking around by myself for a while. i i checked out 'downtown oberlin' as they like to call it, and its pretty cute. a movie theatre (only costs 2$), a few coffee shops, ben franklin, bookstore, gas station, etc. i had seen everything and walked back on campus and i had no idea what to do/ where i could find my host. so i went to meet up with the softball coach. she took me to their practice, which was nice. afterwards a bunch of the players invited me to dinner with them...and it was tons o' fun..really comfortable and..laughy and all that good stuff. and there was soft-serve ice cream. and sprinkles. mmm sprinkles. after dinner the rest of the teamm departed and i went and chilled with this girl katie. she was like..'yeah, i have a lot of work that i don't want to do..i could use a distraction'- which is my number one skill. we just hung out in her room and talked for like 2 hours and met some of her hall people. she took me to this improv thing called 'holy virgin high'- its like a weekly improv soap opera basically- the plot is planned out but all the filler is improv. it was great.

then later i went back to my hosts room, her roommate actually talked to me and was playing bright eyes and had friends and went places! cool! so i slept. went to 'cinema and social practice' class at 10. etc etc. then i came home.

the main thing that got me was how everything was so..chill. everyone is so happy to be who they are and to be with the people they are with. it doesnt matter if you sing outside at night or wear flannel shirts or walk around all day with no shoes on, because nobody cares. it doesnt matter how different you are because everybody knows its ok, and its ok to be the same. i know that i am going to have the most amazing time at oberlin next year. hottt damn. and hott people too.

and to close, a family guy quote:

peter: donnn't worry, i read a book about this once.
brian: are you sure it was a book? are you sure it wasnt...nothing?
peter: oh yeah.


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