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[not fucking conceited]
August 01, 2003 - 10:48 am

i was going to wait to write again until i had the warped tour thing done...but fuck. i find myself with no excuses. i'm upset with the way i look, the way i feel, the way i'm treating people, and the way i'm dealing with it all. i don't think i've said that before. really, what it comes down to is that i am scared. i'm so scared of packing up my room and my life and driving six hours to stay with 2800 people i have never seen before. it hurts me every day. and now the proverbial end of my life is being crammed into the...1.5ish weeks i will be at home. i've been trying to see all the people that mean something to me before i start on this crazy whirlwind of busy-ness that means me going out of town, and there's just not time for it all. just give me one more chance. it's really hard for me to handle too. i feel like i might explode.

batman (0 so far)

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