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[it was a bad mix. i'm sorry.]
October 08, 2003 - 4:55 pm

hey fans. i have a link to some new music. it's my new band at oberlin. we've been playing together for about 3 weeks, and we went on the oberlin radio station last friday and got our junks recorded. so...if you're still interested, click HERE and then go to 'music' and download the songs from the WOBC radio show. it says 'full band' next to it. i guess you could listen to the other stuff too. but i'm not in it. and that's really. really. bad. SIKE. the songs are actually excellent, but sound SO MUCH COOLER with bass and drums.

we don't have a name yet. fuckers.

but unhhh yeah. i just thought it was time for some shameless promotion. i spent 3 hours today dissecting a rat. which doesn't have a name yet either. but it lives in a motel with the rest of the rats from my lab group.

i heart my bio professor.

i'm really going now.

batman (0 so far)

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