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[don't give me that]
23 October 2003 - 10:40 am

i'm so mad right now.

today was the attempt part II: the sequel of taking my car downtown to be inspected. the first time i went it wasn't bad, except for the part where it failed. and i had to take it to get 500$ worth of repair done. that repair was supposed to be finished and the car was supposed to be re-inspected in maybe a month...and here we are. maybe 4 months later. but anyhow, this time (part II), the car DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT to the inspection station. i got it to cathedral ave. (right by maret) (less than 10 minutes from my house), and the brakes pretty much stopped working. so i pulled over, kept my cool, and called my dad, who told me to drive home. slowly. and then i did. after driving all the way home as a hazard (well..i had my hazard lights on...and this time it wasn't just for fun like the game you play where you put your hazard lights on and confuse the people behind you because YOU'RE LIABLE TO TURN IN ANY DIRECTION and they just have no way to know. brooke knows what i'm talking about.)

so naturally, at the bottom of my street, the brakes come back on. fully functional. right on time.

thanks oxy clean.

and just for your information here is a really awesome picture of rena, jen, the panda trash can, and i. from goucher. the college.

so i stayed up until 4:30 and got up at 9 to start this adventure...and now i have a headache and i lost my nalgene bottle at my brother's soccer game yesterday. in conclusion, i'm going to take a nap. or eat ginger snaps. or both..

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