. . SPOONT. - COBALT (oberlin band cuteness) - ALL ABOUT HER - guestbook dude! - random facts (pt. 1) - (pt. 2) - de email eh?
[i came back and there was a note on this napkin: 'you are my hero! i think we need to start a fan club...']
27 October 2003 - 1:31 pm

wow, this browser finally got the date and time right. it must be fate. already half a day back and things are going very well. i even took a nap yesterday. which is odd. but pegah brought me killer mittens that are those kind where they look like mittens and they have a flap that uncovers the truth in the situation. the truth being that they are fingerless gloves allowing GRABBING ACTION to take place. really they are amazing. then i talked to bergen on the phone and got a high B on my biology exam from last friday and my parents sent emily and i a package with halloween candy in it. i also got the postal service cd in the mail! it's affirmative: today is nice. officially.

and i really like this picture...

it's sweet.

batman (2 so far)

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