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[i don't care too much for reggae...SIKE.]
31 October 2003 - 11:24 am

- i love this day -

i knew it was going to be good when i looked out my window and saw someone walking across the street wearing a ROBIN costume. because i, of course, am batman.

it amuses me to talk in the third person as batman. like, seriously, i am way too obsessed with it. after bio this morning, i walked back to my room and realized i had forgotten my keys. after finally being creepy and following someone with a swipe card inside, i wrote "batman is locked out..." on our white board. and i laughed a lot.

and you know how on the old batman shows robin would always say, "holy _____ batman!"...i think if one time he said, "holy SHIT batman!" it would be really really excellent.

and that's all i have for batman type musings.

last night was safer sex night. which, when translated means, "oberlin kids dress up in as little clothing as possible (nipples and genitals must be covered), get drunk, watch porn, see demonstrations of oral sex, and dance their asses off in the 'sco." so there were lots of people only wearing tape...but i had an excellent time. getting my dance on. hah. but seriously, it gave me an excuse to wear my fireman raincoat, rainbow striped pants, and lots and lots of belts. because that's just how i am. there were also lots of hot boys making out. with each other. naturally. it was lots of fun. i almost didn't go...but then it was hot. okay yeah, that story failed a bit.

cobalt (the new band) is playing in cleveland tomorrow. at a semi- large club. we also started recording a demo the other night (probably tuesday), and finished at 1:30am. and really by finished i mean got three songs fairly well done ('the lark' 'might have been' and 'shades'). if you go here and click on 'music' and the 'full band' songs, you'll be golden. it is a little confusing because the website has the name of two random guys that you HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! but they're in the band. i swear. they used to be an acoustic duo and just haven't gotten the new web junk together. you shouldn't be dissappointed though. so it's cool. we recorded for de demo.

i feel pretty optimistic about the rest of this weekend. or week. or year. i don't know...things are picking up. and i feel pretty happy. and next weekend (annie! andy! family!) is going to be so amazing. sooo many things to do, but i can't wait to show this school off.

and batman has to vacuum the dorm room.

batman (0 so far)

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