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[a with an anarchist symbol.]
03 November 2003 - 2:45 pm

i have some pictures to share. from my warm, happy, exciting, chocolate- filled, smiley, batman, drug- free halloween.

lucia, me, deborah, and alisa. note how they are all faries and things with skimpy clothing, and i am batman. and i am proud.

pregame time. deborah announces "okay. i am so drunk." i was just the regulator, if you will. they (the three other girls) did toast to me, twice. it was really cool.

this was phil's costume. he was hardcore into halloween. and that's alisa kissing him.

this is sam as dracula. doing the dracula dance.

the first is my fave...the bluriness is just an unfortunate coincidence. alisa and i are an excellent team.

october 31st, 2003. 3am. west college street, downtown oberlin.

well i hope that worked out. i had an excellent time that night. and subsequent nights as well. i don't have a lot of physical work to hand in this week, so i will most likely be cleaning the whole time. there are people that need to sleep on my floor this weekend! i am SO excited. really.

and my witches brew cauldron is filled with candy. that i, of course, will not eat. so come get it.


batman (3 so far)

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