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[i'll wait for you, i always do....i'm drunk but i want some anyway]
28 January 2004 - 1:42 am

the juggling balls emily gave me must collectively weight 4 pounds. in lieu of this, i now realize i am not good enough for juggling to be a night time activity, especially when my parents go to bed at 9:30.

on that note, i realize i always try and capitalize numbers (subconsciously...for emphasis i guess), and they just come out like $:!% [in normal world, that would read 4:15].


i really need to sleep now. tonight i attempted to be on aim, and i remembered why i hate it so much. well firstly, it SUCKS. and realistically, its too hard for me to talk to four people at one time without going crazy and throwing the computer on the floor and possibly lighting some things on fire. which could be seen as a celebrational activity in some cases, but let's not get confused here.

oh my.

well. i'm trying to go to tenleytown tomorrow to pass out flyers on 'why it sucks to eat meat. ' and by that i mean 'go veg!'. i think this group (cok- compassion over killing) will be there from 3 - 4pm tomorrow. so hey, stop by, maybe i'll be there.

and jen twigg, if you read this before tomorrow [which you shouldn't, because i'm going to call you about it] i recieved an AMAZING package in the mail today containing an incredibly edited spoont. video. thank you thank you.

-in peace-

batman (0 so far)

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