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[-triple A-]
29 January 2004 - 11:41 pm

i've seen some beautiful things in the past two days. i've also started my career in activism. offically for real. yesterday i met up with paul and josh, and we passed out brochures at the tenley metro. just for an hour, out in the cold, and we must have met 150 people. there was a car full of guys that drove by and shouted "fucking vegetarians! i eat meat every day of my life, mother fuckers!" but that was pretty much all the negativity we encountered. i even saw andy freedman...beefy. anywayyyy, i felt great after that, and the walk home from the metro in the cool air was quite enjoyable.

tonight i metro'd (troed?) to GW and met the cok guys (plus other new, exciting people) to pass out more flyers and show a video on a tv inside their van. this was actually a really stellar evening. i talked to one woman for quite a while about veganism, food, health, organic foods, being an athlete, whether i eat potatoes, and all sorts of veg- related things. as we parted she said first, 'if you get cable television, there's a show i think you would really like. it's about funny funny animals, and it's really wonderful. you should watch the animal planet channel.' as she started to walk away she looked up into my eyes and said, 'you know, you really....reinstated my will power and my hope for being a vegetarian. it was like when you listen to a religious sermon and get your strength back. i was slipping backwards a bit...i was eating cheese and dairy....but now, i feel so much better. thank you thank you much for talking with me, alie'

and she shook my hand one last time and got on the metro. as i turned away, you should've seen the smile that grew on my face. it even amazed me.

i've been vegan for a month and one week now (and vegetarian for about 9 full months), and every day i get more and more passionate about living the rest of my life this way. i love it. i absolutely love it. and i love learning about it...educating myself, meeting new people, and finally finally getting active about it. i'm a little sad that i just found this group now... as i'm heading back to ohio next saturday...but i think i'm going to work for them this summer.

i don't really know what else to say. i'd be glad to talk to anyone about this or going veg or whatnot. i'm in the process of convincing my mom. we've been having nightly discussions (slash arguments) about animal cruelty and such....so i think i'm slowly winning.

peace out kids.

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