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[someday i'll be back, and someday i'll be loud about this. everywhere.]
21 March 2004 - 11:01 pm


there are a lot of things i could be doing, but i see myself falling back into old tendencies once again. i need to not fuck myself over for this midterm break, because i feel myself getting sick, and sick is not what i want to be. my final destination for this week is myrtle beach, south carolina, and we'll be driving for 14 hours.

i have two exams on friday, and a paper due on wednesday. i haven't really started with the exam material at all, and i don't think i even understand all the words in the paper assignment.

all i want to do is continue eating this peanut butter cookie.

so instead of being very active i am being very not by writing in this journal. and my girl my girl my girl is going to stop by in very few minutes to further my aspirations of putting off this work. i guess this is a subject i haven't touched on recently and probably should, but i don't know how to go about it.

she lights me up though.

know that.

and we'll talk about it later. in person. so you can see through my face that i've never felt this way about anyone before. my goodness. and i'd appreciate if you hear everything through me first. if you catch my meaning.

so here we go.

batman (0 so far)

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