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[fuck. in just a loud way.]
09 May 2004 - 6:43 pm

if a girl were to sew a penis between her legs and cut her breasts off, would it be okay for me to love her? i'm guessing that it would. i'm guessing the majority of the world would think it better. according to the gentlemen in a yellow pickup truck driving down main street, holding someone's hand makes you a lesbian...and obligates him to yell this out his window. it seems that because two people have the same sexual organs, it's not okay for them to hold hands. otherwise, you know, you should yell at them.

all this makes me want to do is yell.

except no.

i guess what i really want to say is that all those people...all those jerks, all those naive assholes who find something wrong with something as minimal and superficial as holding a girl's hand while walking down the street....

they wish they had someone to love the way i have someone to love.

that's all.

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