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30 May 2004 - 1:43 am

i just feel a little overwhelmed at this moment. i've seen almost all my friends in the past two days...and its been quite..stimulating. in a good way though...i dunno. i'm sleepy.

except tonight my parents are in boston and my brother is MIA, and i'm alone in bed with no one to wrap their arms around me. i can talk to her on the phone four times a day and that still isnt enough to satisfy my craving for her. i really don't know how i'm going to function when she goes to japan for four months. but that's a long ways a way i guess.

tomorrow i'm cleaning everything. propagandhi will tell me how.


no seriously all my junk is getting unpacked, my shelves will be reshelved (as they were unshelved prior to my arrival), my clothes will be laundered, and i will clean the kitchen. then maybe i'll buy some vegan food. because this house has little. actually it just has little food period...so some drastic action needs to be taken.

the warrior must go to the whole foods store.


alright, i'm going to sleep. but i'm going to put this out there:

just until she comes home.

batman (0 so far)

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