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06 October 2004 - 8:24 pm

hi friends.
it's good to be back in this little box- the date and time still refuse to be right- so justin case you need to know, it's really 3:14pm on october 7th.
wow, i'm pretty lost for words at this point. we have midterms next week. that kinda means the semester is half over. or almost. i don't where the time has gone. well.. i could probably figure it out if i wanted to try. probably.

well hm. i've been baking a lot. i'm one of three elected (that means it's special) desert makers. the co-op doesn't use sugar or honey (sometimes), so everything is sweetened with maple syrup and it's vegan and i'm awesome. i loooove the co-op and my co-op friends are amazing and all we want to do is live there and eat amazing vegan food. you should come. it's so good. i promise. you need to start trusting me about this. anyhow, for those who don't understand what a co-op is...basically you cook, clean, and operate in a totally student organized system. we vote on every decision that needs making (what food to buy, what jobs to assign specific people, whether to let giraffes in...you know, standard eating stuff). there is an entire workchart of people who cook every meal and clean up after it. it's kindof amazing how good the association is (OSCA), cuz it's totally completely student run and amazing.
rmm, i have to go to softball practice soon, which is over today. we had a whole fall ball season, it didn't rain ONE day, and then the day we were supposed to play our only three games, it poured. and was really cold. so as soon as we drove home from cleveland, the sun came out. yay. three speeds.
okay. so. in conclusion. i think i'm coming home october 16th for a couple days then heading to OMG new haven.
three speeds.

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