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September 04, 2003 - 9:45 am

this was intended for last night, but the server was down. or some something.

Katie: that;s the best advice i can give you, "don't listen to me!"

YES, i am still living.

this is honestly working itself out to be the most amazing time of my life. i really do miss a lot of people, and lauren, i'm sorry i missed your call. there is a girl here who looks exactly like welch. whenever i see her i do a double take and then laugh. alot.

the food here is good. except don't let me eat the macaroni and cheese again. that was not my friend. i've been drinking soy milk (GASP) and slowly converting my friends to vegetarianism. not by preaching either. they just think i'm cool. sike..whatever. i have a condom lollipop with a smiley face on it, and that makes me happy. it's duct taped to my wall right above my desk, so whenever i need it, i can look up for inspiration.

i bought a nalgene bottle so now i'm cool like the cool kids. it's really pretty and the best for stealing drinks from the dining hall (which is supposedly illegal).

i suppose i'll try and take more pictures...of my room...and some people...and some cars...


i finished most of my homework for tomorrow. it's odd, i've had two days of classes and have already completed a 3.5 page paper and 66 pages of biology/ environmental science reading (with 22 more pages to go).

oh yeah! i'm taking classes too. here they are. in a list. because it's really fun.

cellular and molecular biology
the lab for that course (it's a separate class)
psychology 100 (soooo many kids it's crazy)
seminar- "the origin and treatment of cancer"
seminar: "the body in environmental history"

oh yeah, that's all. softball starts next thursday and i almost joined the marching band, but the guy running it (who is now officially referred to as 'chin pubes') had only half a beard running UNDERNEATH his chin and connecting at the sideburns...and that was just unnacceptable.

i really think i should go to bed now. i think i have 3 classes tomorrow and one of the dorms near ours has fleas.

give me a call sometime.

batman (1 so far)

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