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[like, de best.]
April 21, 2003 - 6:35 pm

a few notes...

#1 there is, has been, and always will be a woodpecker that lives in the tree in my backyard. it also has impecable timing. on the weekends, it goes off at 6. on weekdays, 6:58 or so (approx. 2 minutes before the alarm goes off). last year, as soon as spring sprung, it came out. my dad was just as happy about this as i was, so one fine sunday morning around 6:30 we went out in the backyard like the fine young father / daughter team we are, and shot at the general direction of the woodpecking with my brother's bb gun. today good ol' woody showed up again. my dad says, "if you can find it, you can shoot it"

and that's why they call me vegetarian.

#2 yesterday i was procrastinating (as if i would really do anything else), and i found this old 'music video' that andrea, brooke, and i made..probably in 10th grade. its kinda lame..there are a few classy moments..such as me screaming in a register higher than a dog whistle..and brooke writing this song:
i like to eat, it tastes good.
i like food, it tastes good.
i like cookies, and cake, and i like to bake
crackers, and chex...
and chicken.

i scream you scream we all scream for pork loin

i like beef
beef is good
i like to eat
in a hamburger
in a steak
or...in a shake

#3 we are de best.

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