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[could allie be at my house more? no.]
April 26, 2003 - 12:41 am

well, guess what paper didn't get written... yeah. mine. i was all nervous about it all night and then all day and when it came down to it, only 3 people handed theirs in and ryan's was only 3 pages. all sr. said was its 5 points off every day its late. so therefore, i can do it sometime this weekend and still pull off a b. which is grreat. the hard part is finding le time.

i can't fully remember if there is something i'm supposed to do tomorrow day. probably....sleep. mm. and then like put laundry away. and that about fills it up....


so this woman calls my house tonite while my dad is out...

woman (sounding EXACTLY LIKE STRONG SAD FROM HOMESTARRUNNER.COM): is..dr...plotsky...there?
me: no, he's out, can i take a message
her: well...ok...this number was listed on the..emergency number line...i need to know...if..i need..to go to the...hospital....i got kicked in the face by a rabbit
(at this point i start hysterically laughing and have to hold the phone away from my face to avoid hurting ol' rabbit- eyes' feelings)
(i say nothing)
her: well....i guess ill get a friend..to..take..me..to..the..hosptial...

so good.

and right now i'm exhausted because i got so little non- dillusional sleep last night..and yeah.


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