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[now we got our own pa]
April 29, 2003 - 7:24 pm

i just got this email:

from: mara
subject: Do you like w.i.l.d in s.e.x Indians, Aplotsky? E:X:0:T:I:C E:X:X:X:T:R:E:M:E...

and then i realized it probbably wasn't mara fox. she doesn't usually send me the 'indians' ones.

: )

today was quite odd. i felt like i didn't really have classes. i stayed up until 2+ish a.m. working on my paper. i was falling asleep sitting up while going through the whole story looking for quotes, but it realllly payed off today. then i went to sleep and had this really scary, delerious dream and woke up and realized i had only had my eyes closed for 23 minutes. [ way to not pay attention to details..]. then i didn't turn in my physics lab...and ms. rodgers was incredibly awkward about it..for a change (yeah, false). but yeahh then i spent 3, 4th doing my paper- which went very surprisingly smoothly. and then by some grace of..something, chamber choir got cancelled and i finished le paper. 5 pages. not a single relevant point that i can recall. my last sentnce was something like "...it is fiction" WOOO. and thats all.

then our game came. i was fucking siked and i thought we were gonna beat them and then they scored 2 in the first inning and we didnt come back until the 5th (which is what we ALWAYS do with ncs) and then we lost 3-2. we had fucking good hits, they were just..directly at the outfielders. and pitcher. fuck. i'm not that torn up about it though...we wont win the league, but we can do the tournament. and i just want to fucking beat potomac on friday. so. much. friday. 415. maret. come.

yeah, and thanks allie and sharena for coming today. it meant lots.

so now that i finished my paper, i can chill for a while. (for like, a week- then we have another paper due may 16th our last day of school). so i think ill go clean my tremendously-laundry-inundated room and listen to some musicccc.

tomorrow i only have 1 class. we're SO getting free ice cream. alot. and being happy.

then i forget what this weekend is. probably something hott. plus a lot of family guy.


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