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[to good to be inaccessible]
May 20, 2003 - 2:14 am

i am going to sit here and attempt to write something coherent about the past few days and how crazy they have been. because i know you miss my life.

i just found this player on oar's website that lets you listen to all of their cds. it is currently making my night complete.

i think i'll work backwards, cuz my memory just works a lot better that way.

tonite was our softball banquet. oh no wait...backwards. andrea, katie, allie, and nellie stayed over and watched the ring. excellent excellent excellent. it wasn't quite as scary as i thought it would be...but it was very well made...very pretty. so nellie and i had to help each other live by holding hands. which eventually got really clammy. wooooo. and we got scared alot. the end. so beforeeeee.....

we had our softball banquet / dinner. we watched the tape of the isl tournament championship game. hott. we did the whole dinner thing and the getting gifts thing. he did everyone and then he told the three captains to stand up together. so we did. and he gave me a little toolbox. with a blank notecard [at this point i was still holding it together]. so he takes it from me, holds it up, and shows the room that it is blank. "because there are no words." and i lost it there. i didnt cry as much as i thought i would..i controlled myself fairly quickly. chloe helped. then he said (indirectly) (so i hope it's still true) that i made all league. i did it. fuck yes. i am really so happy. this is all i wanted. all meaning everything. phew.

and now its 309am and i dont think i can go on.

the house show at my house last night was amazingly fun and i plan on having lots more. go team!

and senior project begins...

"well i woke today, felt another way..everything was gonna be fine. when my head rose up, and my legs came to..quarter past 9 was the time. well i use to lose floating memories, found myself wishing i remembered old times. but i woke today, felt another way..felt free in the sky to fly."

batman (0 so far)

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