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[who are you and where did you go?]
May 29, 2003 - 12:36 am

it just makes me feel... right when chris says "take care of yourself" and then signs off.

i almost went for a run just now. it would've felt so good. it's cool, it's dark, and it's not raining. to just be the only one out there...working, sweating, burning. it's complete, unquestionable freedom. i need to start doing this again. things inside of me don't feel right. i hope its just a lack of endorphins or something. working out makes you happy.


i started redecorating my room a bit. i just tore down a bunch of posters and stupid crap from magazines that have been up there since 8th grade. it wouldn't be a big deal but normally i can't throw anything away. now i'm putting up pictures of beautiful things.

because, i mean...my gift is my song.

and this one's for you.

batman (0 so far)

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