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[daniel is queer]
May 29, 2003 - 6:42 pm

my grandparents are on their way here.

that means i'll be sleeping in the basement for the next week and a half. phew. it also means i probably wont be online alot. then again...i'm probably lying.

we finished the video (pretty much) today and we made an outtakes section. it's quite enjoyable. but not watching it 23948 times. the end.

jen was kind enough to grace us with her presence / spend the whole day at maret laughing at andy in the video.

and tonite i took the plunge [i saw chloe's play]. i was very impressed. it was quite funny. laugh out loughd funny. totally. and mara was there. and she's coming on saturday. and she touched my arm. : )

oh yeah, it's my half birthday. go me.

thats all for now.

ready and lets Go.

batman (0 so far)

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