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[a plus for comedy]
June 21, 2003 - 5:26 pm

i sat outside in jeans and ate rice cakes and read 4 chapters of the new harry potter. so i'm feeling much better thank you.

there is an engorgement of reading i have to do this summer. i mangaged to use a form of the word 'engorged' in the previous sentence, and that in itself is an accomplishment.

so here is a list. because i feel like it:

my search for warren harding- robert plunkett
bel canto - ann patchett
cat's cradle - kurt vonnegut jr
player piano - kurt vonnegut jr
island - aldous huxley [maybe]
earth of mankind - pramoedya anata toer [maybe]

those are just the books i have sitting next to my bed. i may not read the last two just because they were gifts. and well, you just can't trust a gift.

i wrote 'girl' instead of 'gift' just then.

fun fun fun.

i'm not going to blackeyes tonite but ill see then TWICE NEXT WEEK YAYYYYAAAAAAA. i'm very happy.

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