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[when you said show me your tits we were wishing you'd die..]
June 27, 2003 - 1:09 am

well my mood certainly has changed. i don't even know to what from what. everything is so unpredictable. i'm not sure what i'm getting at...

i fell asleep reading harry potter today. i had this horrible dream. i was sitting at a party with two friends [don't recall who] and then this other person walked in the room. i stood up to say hi to her and i realized i didn't actually know her..only my friends did. at that same moment i realized i was really really high. the only thing i could do was stand still. the only thing i could see was this hazy, white light everywhere. i didn't know if i existed or what i looked like to my friends. i had to wake myself up.

i don't know about the show tonite. it was quite the paradox for me. i guess...just a clashing of a lot of different emotions, missed opportunities, fear, dislike, being out of control. i saw so many people i knew. lizzie, anna, and kathryn were there. so surprising but lizze fucking osius liked black eyes. hot damn. she cried when daniel ruined the violin bow [sp?] by playing the guitar with it. ok well that didn't really happen, but if you could picture it... it would be funny. i saw ellen and friend...avi and steven...some girl i met at liz's house once [peter's liz]...and the rest of the crazy people we all know and love. the snuff project was excellent. the second band was annoying and i wished they left the stage earlier so black eyes could've played more songs. they weren't bad..just all their songs were the same. black eyes played our old favorites deformative, pack of wolves, and the one that goes 'elements of faces' at the end [#5?], and then their encore was letter to raoul peck [6]. and damn was it good. sharena laughed at those of us who screamed along with the words. but whatever. i bought a fort reno tshirt.

my god i can't type.

i listened to the stryder today at work.

happy birthday mikey.

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