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[lost again]
July 22, 2003 - 1:28 am

so listen to this. today during 'band practice,' andy comes downstairs and says, "it's raining in your room." my mind goes blank for a second figuring out how this could be possible, and we go upstairs to investigate. sure enough, the air conditioning unit (haha unit) located in the attic is leaking fluid. right onto my desk chair. we put some towels and a trashcan out and then left for a long time. i came home tonite and it's 'raining' so hard and loud into the (now 2) trashcans that i have to sleep in the guestroom. i've almost got a nice little water dropping chorus going on in there, but not nice when i'm trying to sleep.

ohh red snapper, why must you have a poor motor mount??! my car failed inspection today. but at least i had some company for the 2 hours i spent there waiting in line. and by some i mean ALOT. and by alot i mean andy came with me and at least i got to eat the most amazing tofu club sandwich at mark's kitchen before hand. with the veggie bacon and all.

and now i can't make the menu bar on my screen go away. it's only supposed to show up when i move the mouse over it...but no. apparently it's chosen the route of independence and felt the need to be free and omnipresent and rebellious.


yeah...i should probably sleep. i've been up for way too long and listened to way too much blink 182 to not be sleeping right now.


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