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[here comes the team tofu]
July 06, 2003 - 2:52 pm

it might just be ironic or something...i'm heading out to the fourth annual steak - off very soon. see, the irony is like, i don't eat steak. or maybe i have to be killed by steak for it to be irony.

well i guess it's best if i don't find out. i think eliza and i made a tofu team. so we will clearly win. the other night i told justin that i was still a vegetarian and he had to stop all activity and think about how ridiculous that was to him. he's a real man's man.

or something.

i really don't know what i'm talking about...i stayed at the park (swinging) until 5:15 then came home and slept until 9:45 and went back for the finale (matt getting off the swing after 24 hours). actually..before that brooke, colin duffy!, and i christened my new pipe.


more later.

meat now.


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