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[room 116]
July 09, 2003 - 3:41am

i had a fucking great night. that too deserves a curse word.

i really really enjoy the company of jacob mazer. he's probably the only person that can gross me out and still live to laugh about it with me.

i like how the date and time for this entry said july 05, 2003 10:27pm. it is clearly mistaken and should be murdered. by death. ajhhhdklsdfh i'm so funny.

most of tonite's show was spent with my back being in agony from standing up for too long. so instead of enjoying the opening acts i was pretty much just being in pain. et at it were much less exciting this time than they were at the black cat. z's were just weird. they had their moments of being very good and even catchy... and then there were moments where all of the band members (6) were playing totally different things and it sounded just like crap. orthrelm were damn impressive but they played for too long and i just wanted black eyes to come on so bad. and my back hurt. but black eyes finalllly came on after 12ish and we were right in the very front (which almost resulted in lots of personal injury from daniel going crazy onstage and knocking things off of it). they played some awesome songs which included pack of wolves and speaking in tongues. i swear i have never heard them play pack of wolves as brilliantly and powerfully as they did tonite. i was BLOWN away. and after it ended carni said (so the whole band and crowd could hear) "that was an orgasm." because it actually was.

they encored with 'deformative' and that was just a party and a half.

my back hurts now alot so i'm going to sleep. it's my dad's birthday tomorrow. i believe he is 51 years old.

i can't find a great song quote, so i'll just leave it at that.

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