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[all i've been listening to...and ignoring her.]
September 10, 2003 - 10:46 am

once again my computer clock has lost it's touch. and i have no idea where to find that. i think i'll be okay. it just needs to be set back 12 hours every time i want to write in some journal or various other committment i have to make.

speaking of which, in sitting in class these past few days, i have come to realize two more pet peeves that i hold (what verb does one use in that situation? i didn't think 'have' was correct).
people that crack every. single. knuckle. in their god damned hands. especially the little ones at the top. i actually cannot listen to people do that. yesterday i had to physically cover my ears (and miss parts of an incredibly stimulating lecture) while some asshole took 5 minutes to crack all the joints in both his fucking hands.
people that don't pick up their feet when they walk. that drag their shoes on the ground and make the 'shhwwwp' sound. it's fucking annoying.

i realize that writing this down makes me a much more desirable person to be around, and that's just awesome.

i'm starting to like college. i think all the stuff i said before about loving it was premature, shocked excitement. it's a little more real for me now. i'm in the stages of joining three bands right now (only one of which i will stick with...just because things get very disorganized here). one is a rock/ folk/ rock band (i haven't actually talked to them yet), one is a punky/poppy/thing band, and the other is a SKA BAND. yes. my dream of life. might come true. except i would play guitar. but hot damn. ska!

i've only met one person here that i dislike. (in that MP kind of way- if you know what i'm talking about). i've met some excellent people in south campus, and i see more people i recognize every day. i mean that in two ways. one that i'm meeting new people and then i see them around, and also i think i see people i know from home. like lauren...she's fucking EVERYWHERE at oberlin. i also sat at the same table as allie compton (plus about 50 pounds) last night at dinner. it's crazy.

i should be reading. i have a lunch date to discuss literature. and i should read it before then. i keep calling things 'dates'. it's really because they actually are 'dates' and not......i'm going to stop there, i have no fucking idea what i'm talking about.

that was a lot like last night. all i can say is...we started reading the book, i've got the back to school blues, and had to start over. twice. the book has a reading level of 1st-3rd grade.

brilliant = us.

and fucking neutral milk hotel.

hot damn.

batman (1 so far)

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