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[to tell you the truth, we didn't even know who the man was that made the stuff.]
June 20, 2003 - 7:13 pm

i am supposed to be cleaning the basement. well, i half cleaned it...put part of the couch back. the drums. stuff. i put 'george of the jungle' on to accompany my tidying and it now has my complete attention. i also can't stop drinking that 'samantha's lemonade' [formerly dubbed 'sex in a bottle' by jacob] [hoo boy].

i have insane blisters on my hands from using sticks of drum with rubber on them. last night. at the show. at my house. that you saw. i can't really hold things or write. so it's cool. i mean


and speaking of cool, there were some kids that showed up that i didn't even know and instead of watching the bands inside they stood in my street and lit a fire in the shape of the word 'penis'. in the street. next to cars.

it's safe to say you don't get more ivy-league than that.

anyhow..i got some new pants. gap took the liberty of making them look worn for me. so i wouldn't have to you know, work for it. which usually happens.

it's been a long time since i've seen wet hot american summer. and in the equation of my life that equals about 7 days. or a week. whichever comes first.

i'm going on a hike.

batman (0 so far)

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