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[best family ever]
May 27, 2003 - 12:29 am

i am finally keeping a promise. here are some pics of my wonderful family. we had dinner tonite at my cousins' house. my cousin told us about this coconut that they had accquired that was supposedly so good you could 'eat it with a spoon' [whatever the hell that means] [something good probably] [or so we thought].

here we have my brother on his mission entitled" open coconut (unsuccesfully) without letting anyone else near it he has a knife.

that proved very unsuccessful so we got a bigger knife. aka..a saw.

that didn't work either so we moved onto larger pokey objects...like rake.

no luck.

then there was chisel.

and then....SUCCESS!

the coconut was definetly as good as it was easy to open...

so then i threw it in the air and andrew hit it with the sledge hammer.

don't ask me how..but whenever we get together..this always happens.

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