. . SPOONT. - COBALT (oberlin band cuteness) - ALL ABOUT HER - guestbook dude! - random facts (pt. 1) - (pt. 2) - de email eh?
[one two take off your shoes, to walk barefoot down the street]
July 22, 2003 - 2:14 pm

here is this picture that i never posted before, because i forgot about it.

since i have approx. 409348 times more room in this new account, i'm going to put up a bunch more. and as soon as i find embarrasing enough pictures of everybody, i'll do an updated friends page. or cast list. or fluffy stuff.

OH YEAH. and my dad bought me a homestar shirt 'because he felt like it'. awww. it's cute and will make me popular.

i suppose i should go now.

watch out for them pictures.

batman (0 so far)

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