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[we're gonna learn the dance]
August 17, 2003 - 1:26 pm

up until now, i had a system. in 1991 i started first grade. in 1994, i started 4th grade. in 1999, ninth grade. and in 2002, twelfth grade. maybe you see where i'm going with this? i didn't want to have to list all the years and grades because well, there've been a lot. so now...it's 2003, and i don't necesarily have a grade to go into. it's like in kindergarten when my friend allison and i wondered if there were colored 'bases' in the grades beyond. [in pre-k and kindergarten all the classes had a colored 'base' associated with them. in preK i was red base and in kindergarten i was green base. it was that great.]

so because that last paragraph had a point, it's time for bed....

i have lots of freckles that only show up when i get sun...so i'm glad i have that going for me now.

oh, and by the way i'm feeling much better and have lots of stored up energy/ aggression that is probably going to filter out in the form of baking or cleaning sometime soon...so watch out house, i'm coming for you. i'm also in a weird mood, having absolutely nothing to do with the overdosage of allergy medicine.

i started laughing today and had nothing in my mind that i was laughing at. i thought it was funny.


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