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[new yizzle]
January 01, 2003 - 1:42 pm

i would just like to announce that exactly two years ago at this time i pulled the sliding door off of my van in the middle of connecticut avenue, effectively blocking 3 lanes of traffic. good times.

i thought the proper way to start out the year would be with a photo essay. it kinda sucks, because i forgot to keep taking pictures after certain activities involving a sweet walnut pipe. but i digress...

before i started smoking, others took part in other party activities such as dancing:

my guess is that she didn't have anything to drink before this...eh?

me, mike, amelia, charlie, and irene (ghetto asian). you cant see it too well but im wearing a batman wristband. it was hot. charlie was dressed to kill as well..note the sweater.

here's andy and justin. the visor justin is wearing is the same blinky disneyworld visor i got in disneyworld last spring. but this time, chloe got it. good story. but thats daniel on the left left. he just caught justin cheating at 'baseball' and spitting in one of the cups. he was mad.

chloe dancing. she's wearing ties. fuckin tight. just ties.

girls. from the top: katie, nellie, eliza, allie, then nora and chloe. i dont know what the fuck katie is wearing. the common theory was that she was trying to look like a matador (you can't tell from the picture, but her skirt was really long and flowy and red).

then robert, the man of the hour, decided it was his turn for attention and spilled half a bottle of champagne on himself. he's good. real good.

and now we come to justin. nobody told me, but apparently justin turns into a small woodland creature when intoxicated.

and then

less woodland-y, but still. this is him after drinking something sour.

and ryan after the same.

then justin proceeded to use the word "WOOOOOSH" every 20 seconds.
this is him declaring "WOOOOOOSH" on everyone

and thats approxametely all the pictures i took. sam strasser stole my idea of videotaping the entire night..but its chill. new years was a lot of fun. got to see my friends, have 'fun corner', talk to nick (best guy ever)(not creepy internet nick), eat salt and vinegar chips, painfully good brownies, and watch eric run around in a blue onesie lighting drinks on fire. i got home, passed out watching scary movie 2, and then got woken up imagining that the phone was ringing at 8:30am.

i'm good. real good.

batman (0 so far)

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