. . SPOONT. - COBALT (oberlin band cuteness) - ALL ABOUT HER - guestbook dude! - random facts (pt. 1) - (pt. 2) - de email eh?
[AND i'm getting a fucking cavity filled.]
August 25, 2003 - 3:08am

i know i'm not going to be able to sleep for these next two nights. there are so many tears that are just waiting to embarrass me...and they're going to come in the next 24 hours. i know it.

spoont. was....great... last night. i had a lot of fun. it was exactly how it should be. i didn't cry and i didn't cry until i got home and i read livejournal and saw how people cared. i couldn't believe it.

i've said goodbye now to chloe andrea nellie allie ryan justin robert becca mike charlie allie liz lauren shira davni bronwyn bergen and daniel. not goodbye goodbye. just for a while goodbye. tomorrow is andy jen daniel andy jacob and brooke. damn. it's gonna be killer. i think i'm ready though. once we get past the initial shock, everything will be okay. not the same as ever before, but good. i guess i'm ready for change. i have to remember that i'll be living with 500 other kids in the same exact position as me. i've been wearing my oberlin tshirt to bed.

tomorrow i get up and worry about whether i'm forgetting important things and then drive to the dentist and get a drill in my face.

i had a nice time with allie tonight. we rented some stellar movies in the true fashion of us...."urban legends: final cut" and "up against amanda". urban legends was just dumb, and up against amanda is my favorite movie of all time. everyone will cease to exist until they see that movie. if you come over tomorrow ('you' being the general population) you can sit in the guestroom and watch it while i pack. it will be worth it i swear. oh remember:

allie: you know what i miss about the sniper?
an excellent conversation starter.

i think that's all i can write.

and maybe my seriously new favorite sweet quote.

"here's to the last time we're all together...until we're together again"


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