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[this is the happiest ever]
July 10, 2003 - 4:39 pm

this is the best work day ever. it's almost too good to be true.

at approximately 3:42pm i was continuing my mundane tradition of sorting through old blue folders (which is 89% of my job). at this particular time i happened to (purely by chance) glance down at the name on the folder. and it was like i was floating in a dream:

i repeat: patrick poon.

and it only got better:



delved deeper yet, and honestly...it was a gift from above:

no words can express my feelings

of course, because of this, i know that at some extrememly important point in my life, i will walk into an office for a life- changing job interview, and the bosses last name will most certainly be "poon". and then things will never, ever go up from there.

life just works that way.

batman (0 so far)

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