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[i feel good.]
May 21, 2003 - 7:09 pm

andrea called me when i was out. i told her what i was doing and she goes, "you're shopping??!". yeah, it surprised me too. but it was nevertheless sucessful. i bought shoes for graduation / other things one might need white shoes for, and three dresses. yes. three. and they are all awesome. and they fit. one is possibly for prom, one is for nellies black and white party, and the other is just cute.

i can't believe i just said that.

but thennn. i went into 'fye' [what the fuck], and i thought to myself, "hmm..its may 20th...i better get the new LESS THAN JAKE CD BECAUSE IT COMES OUT TODAY OMG OMG." and then i spent 13$ on a new cd because less than jake is the only band i would ever do that for. aww. and its really good. ive almost listened to the whole thing (i'm not going out until i do so). the only song i don't like is "she's gonna break soon"..which is like...on trl and shit. goddamn it. actually no. i'm happy for them. its just..grr. fucking mtv. i hate you.

i got home at 12:38 last night. i showered, got in bed, and turned on my light with the intent to read 'perks of being a wallflower' again. sometime in between getting in bed and getting the book, i fell asleep. so i woke up this morning with the light on and the book in my hand.

that was a really great story. i know. i'll probably tell it again. but i'll wait until you're not looking.

senior projects have finally started. it is amazing to not have any homework or anyplace to be at night and still have no curfew and just live like its summer. our video is awesome and we shot for 4 hours today. the lights and camera we have from mr. beach are completely mind - blowingly nice... and we only set one blue gel on fire. stuff is looking really great and i am FINALLY doing something with video. its been too long. the video should be great. good quality at least. i think maret will be impressed.

i think...

it's time to eat veggie burger and play with the wide angle lens.

not at the same time.

thats just plain silly.

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