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[the girl has a point...getting cute, but maybe its one of THOSE times. a little premature perhaps.]
October 2, 2003 - 1:40 am

today was interesting.

i think.

the only parts i really remember are being in the trainer's office. no, i didn't get injured or anything, i just wasn't paying attention to the rest. there has been something odd and hurty going on with my shoulder during softball, so i've been making frequent visits to the trainer. today at 1pm i lay down on the table, and she gave my shoulder an 'ultrasound'. i went back at 4pm and she hooked me up to some sort of electronic muscle stimulator...which made me uncomfortable. and stimulated. but it was almost like one of those things you see on tv that 'make you strong without working out' and the jackass people put on their testicles. hrm. it kindof hurt. alot. but i'm staying 'posi' and thinking it will help lots. because if it doesn't get better soonish i'll have to go see a doctor. and we all know how i feel about doctors....

sike. i mean, well, yeah. i've been studying a lot for psychology. and spending a lot of time with band kids. guys. we almost have a name...and when that gets all finalized and such i will let everyone know. it will be sweet. we're playing on the radio friday night. things are starting to come together nicely. tonight during practice tom was like, "woah. we're good." it was nice. then i spent 3ish hours with mikey studying psychology. it was great. he's just the perfect amount of immature. his word program has a dictionary in it (as i'm sure all of them do..including mine) so we looked up some words with the word 'cock' in them. 'cockhorse' was one of the champions, among many others. and so judging by the deep amount of shit we are in for this exam tomorrow...zach, mike, and i made a pact to have study groups every week and be good at psychology.

i also ate a LOT of berries and nuts.

but the decaf� will do that to you....

tomorrow i'm skipping my cancer class to study, having lunch with katie, getting my sike test on, going to body class, saying bye to alisa for the weekend (she's going home! how crazy!) (but buying drugs- thusly making a successful mission), playing 'inter-team' softball scrimmage (fuck yes), then like...nothing. probably watching movies. but then again that's what i always say. and we never get to watch damned movies. damn.

okay really goodnight. i'm being good i swear.

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