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[welcome to las vague-ass]
September 21, 2003 - 6:44 pm

i think i'm not used to things working out for me. maybe i'm just lacking a lot of sleep. i've had an interesting few days.

but SPRING BREAK tour 2k3 was a complete success. the mission was to retrieve the drumset from my house in washington dc from the starting location of oberlin ohio. matt (from my band), alisa (friend..not in the band, just coming along for the ride), and i piled in the golden chariot of a volvo and drove all the way. and all the way back. we did it doggy style, pony style...and i wont get into it again. we left here at 7:45am and got back from the round trip at 12:30am. it. was. awesome. i really had a fucking good time. i've only been on one other successful road trip (beach june 2k3) in my life, and oh man. lots of awesome music, lots of playing with puppets, lots of being rated for 'tollbooth performance', lots of sticking things out the sunroof, and LOTS of yelling "SPRING BREAK!!@ WOOOO@!@$@(8" everywhere. by the end of the 12+hours of driving during the day, we stumbled out of the car and yelled, "SPRING BREAK!! WOO!!" to all the drunk people. them. yeah. they were out. then instead of passing out from deleriousness...we stayed out until 4:30am.

so i'm really really tired. it's almost hard to function. and i'm listening to alanis morrrisette. yes with three "R's". i don't feel like doing anything else right now. ok so here's pictures. not in any particular order except alphabetical. this is what's been going down around here...

we found 5 gallons of chocolate ice cream in their freezer. this is zack in action.

alisa walking.

matt and alisa pass out on the car after reaching home at 12:30am. we parked the car in the no parking zone. ROCKANDROLLOMG.

then matt wanted this to happen...

this was actually painted on the back of someone's camper. it says, 'i am my beloved'. ok....

this is deb on the ground listening to people play the digeridoo. a lot of people here play the digeridoo.

best. sign. ever.

some kids in harkness were having a pirate party and non-harkness kids were not allowed to attend...so some crazy kids decided to throw water balloons at them. i was supposed to document the whole thing, but somehow i missed the entire act and the evening got even more confusing after that. ah, and this is lucia holding balloons.

this bathroom in pennsylvania had an advertisement for mcdonalds in it. pennsylvania is a long state. don't drive straight through it. twice in one day.

this is the puppet, pronounced 'mehook'. it makes very interesting facial expressions.

zack again. ice cream again. hands covered in butter, again.

ahg. i'm listening to my playlist of 'special' songs (my favorite/ most sentimental songs), and it insists on playing the saddest ones. i don't know what i'm getting at here, but the blue lights look really pretty in my room with this sunset.

yeah. i need to go to bed. right now. or...just eat this pear.

remember when it got dark after 8pm?

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