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[the only other person to ever remember 'you cant do that on television']
June 29, 2003 - 4:35 pm

ok. this image is alot doctored, but i saw this tanktop in HOT TOPIC yesterday and it made me die. i actually lauged for 2 whole minutes. i said to myself that if it was less than five dollars i would buy it. but it was 16. sorry bunnies. but man oh man. that's some good shirt.

anyhoo, i've been keeping myself pretty busy. i'm just about done reading the fourth harry potter book [because i forgot all the characters and had to stop the fifth one].

lauren and i went to shop for drums today and then the drum store was really really closed. so we went to the cd store next door and i bought a ska compilation [victoryyyyyy!*^@&$#^ is mine] and some (*@$&GWAR!@&#(. ahh. so happy.

i should probably change my clothes. what is it like, 4 in the afternoon? looking good homestar.

[actually i lied, i changed my clothes when i got home this morning. i just feel kindof..unshowered].

i don't remember any of the funny things that were said last night, but i remember laughing a lot. oh, well, there was one...

"i love feet. they're like hands...but on your legs."

more like, james and the giant genious.

[cue the music and roll the credits]

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