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[what te boot party]
June 01, 2003 - 1:28 pm

well, june is busting out all over.

all over the meadows and the hills.

not really.

in just 2 days so much has already occured and i haven't discussed it in here. and you know..i'm not promising anything because i'll probably forget to do it and just run away and play with my water yo yo that stef gave me last night.

ok fine. here.

friday night was churchill prom. i went in this pretty stellar group (including) liz, andy, anne, shira, bob, and the guy from MTV's "true life: i went to fat camp." seriously. he was in my group. a really nice kid, and it definetly helped that he was famous. just kidding. we went to (allie compton's) macaroni grill (which she owns) and it was really tasty and andy and i played racial slurs hangman [except only one round]. we drove to prom. oh no wait. no we didn't. we took le metro and all these people were like, "awwwwwh is it prom nite?" "have fun at prom!" and it was real cute. i also got a free metro card from some ladyyy. wooo. then we came and we saw and we conquered and i voted for lauren for prom king and danced the storm up on the dance floor. near the end this one song came on "...something about being in heaven..." and andy just went crazy and danced and laughed and it really made me smile. we left and i got the c00lest squishy candle in a champagne glass courtesy of public high school. mwahhhh then my mom made me come home and sleep so i missed out on all that laser tag and free stuff.

i slept in my basment lair (muahhahah). i was in the mood for a thriller so i put 'honey we shrunk ourselves' on. the next thing i remember was waking up and it was 530 in the morning and i was watching global guts on the GAS channel. i have big plans for the next few nights down there. first, i'll probably build a fort. and then i'll play zelda. alot. and i will finally beat that sucker. but i digress...

last night was our 'what the boot.' our outfits were totally stellar [and i acutally promise that i will post a picture] [someday]. also, if you haven't noticed, i think brackets are a lot more fun than parentheses. and there's this band called bracket and i really love their song on the music sampler, 'short music for short people'. uhm. yes. so it was very stressful setting up and we made hotttt mixes which included a lot of showtunes and of course, 'magic stick' by 50 cent. people came real good and dressed up. a bunch of parents didnt though....jerks. ms hall was great. kilt. yes. the kids that stood out for me were definetly jen, justin, and of courrrrse allie wearing a KITTY SHIRT. my love. justin's pants were tassled. mmm. my brother was also wearing my padded goalie pants from 7th grade (or before). i had lots of fun running around and being cool cuz it was my house. and just when we wanted to get the party realllly jumpin...the outside speakers stopped working. which led to much stressing out of me and then it was raining and gross. so finally i was like,' ok band, lets play.' so we did. we went downstairs and everybody danced and sang and was cool.

i was standing in the family room talking to adam and irene comes up, sits on the couch, and grabs his leg. i was like, 'no. not this again.' but he came. and so did alex rosenberg. hott damn. he said he 'had no idea you could drum like that' and gave me a huge hug. thea makes me feel bad because i just don't think she wants to see me anymore. she didn't stay and she didn't say goodbye and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said 'i love you' and then she left. i saw karly for approx. one minute. the end. ugh. ok. enough.

now that i am thinking about it i had a great time. all my friends were there. they are awesome. we have this huge, incredibly relevant and awesome week coming up. and its going to be great.

daniel gave me wet hot american sex. I MEAN. the 'wet hot american summer' dvd. and everything about it was really sweet. i watched the deleted scenes / behind the movie stuff today. great. i'm going to watch it with my dad now. then i'll probably eat some bread.

and for now, blow gabriel blow.

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BigAFreed: i put on my hoodie and cried

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