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[if you catch the address...ill tell you what it stands for]
March 18, 2003 - 10:46 pm

today we beat wilson 14-2. it was the slowwwwest 5 inning game ever. we all batted around every inning. i hit. it good. saw kate. fragments.

anyhoW. today was incredibly slow. then i lived and jacob picked daniel andy and i (aww) up and we went to subway. and ate on the car. hahah ohh pants.



that was great. so...liberating to just get up and leave school and drive away and listen to jay-z unplugged with the windows down and sit outside and just laugh until you cant breathe. mmm.

so i came home to THIS

and now its gonna be amazing.

i dont have school until friday at 2pm. so that means i'm playing sega alot.

and tomorrow i'm getting my hair cut since i havent done so since september. and then buying new cleats since i havent done so since 10th grade. since. more...better.

(blatant common knowledge quote)

yeah, i'm going to play sonic.

batman (0 so far)

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