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September 25, 2003 - 12:29am

yeahhh here we go.

this is me. tonight. for three hours. in those clothes. [except for it was on a totally different floor of the library with carpeting and awesomeness].

i just found the oberlin 'photo library' so i may have to post a bunch of pictures of myself doing what i do best. at college.

this is pretty self-explanatory...

as is this...

yeah, so i've been busy. today i wore one colored contact lens and one real contact lens. the fake one was only a free sample lens so 3/4 of it was blue and the other 1/4 said "TEST".

nobody noticed.

soon i will show pictures of alisa and i with our newly acquired gas station tshirts. they are hotttt beyond all imagination.

and tomorrow i'm getting up at 9:20am, getting some coffee, and studying for a biology exam. the weather will be nice. please. i can picture this being a nice moment. oh, and i don't know if i told you, but someone put up a blue swing in a tree in wilder bowl (the quad in front of the library). the swing says, "fly".

so we took turns and left a thank you note.

and it was falling sweet.

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