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[i have no shame, no game, no time to explain]
January 06, 2003 - 8:42 pm

so really, there is lots of good news on this end of the line.

first and foremost..

which means i rule. alot.

nextly, i got my exams back. lets give it up for fucking curvage!
calc exam without curve = 71%
calc exam with curve = 88.4%

yayy! then physics was a whopping 83...eh whatever...i expected better but it was my last exam and i stopped caring. but anatomy was tight. 93. probably second highest in the class. i predicted 92. which is example numero 2 that i rule.

and then in comp lit we got back approxametely 800 things. (or 4...whatever). but i got an A on my trial/ chronicle paper. and of course i get this "best paper yet (according to sr. estrada)"back RIGHT after i send my 'best paper' to middlebury and vassar. and when i say 'best paper' it was not by a long shot a best paper..so that sux0rz. but whatever. i got an A!

and i bought a limp cd the other day. ohh sweet middle school goodness. after all these years i'm still in love. i also pulled out the insteps cd...fucking shotgun jimmy...fuck yeah :) and ska the 3rd waveee. i've been having a unquietable ska craving lately. its all good.

next on the list of good things (and related to previous good thing too): the chamber choir of maret school is officially singing 'under the sea'..ska style. its gonna be sooo hott. this is probably as close as i get to being in a ska band (my dream). but its tight. and then on friday night we're singing the national anthem at the wizards game at the mci center. i'll probably be famous and on tv. or probably not. because nobody likes the wizards. but shh.

hmm..and spoont. got the dem-o version of our cd back today. it makes me smile so much (despite shitty quality of mixing at this stage) just listening to it. something i had a large role in creating. its one of the most amazing feelings.

almost as good as joe millionare. which i watched tonite. its trash, but i need to meet my trash tv quota for the year.

fox took away my dear beloved boot camp, so i need to watch something.

you know when you love a song so much, you get too excited and smiley to sing it? thats amazing.

my grandmother was completely cured of her cancer.

i smile myself to sleep tonite.

batman (0 so far)

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